The 2018 field symposium was held in NW China along the mighty Qilian Mountain. It involved an 8-day field trip from Sunan to Dunhuang focusing on (1) the Lower Paleozoic Qilian Orogen, and (2) Cenozoic tectonics in relation to the uplift and expansion of the Tibet Plateau.
Dates: 25 August – 5 September 2018
Read the trip report below.
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News and events
6th International Archean Symposium and ACTER social event
The Australia-China Joint Research Centre for Tectonics and Earth Resources (ACTER) held a social lunch following the International Archean Symposium held in Fremantle, Western Australia. It was a pleasure to reinvigorate the partnerships and develop new connections.
2018 ACTER Field Symposium – Tectonic evolution of the North Qilian Mountains
The fourth annual ACTER field symposium was held from 25th August to 3rd September, 2018 in the Gansu Province, a historical and cultural province lying between the Tibetan and Loess plateaus in north-western China.
2017 ACTER Field Symposium – Tectonic Evolution and Granite Petrogenesis of the Lachlan Fold Belt, Eastern Australia
The third annual ACTER field symposium was held from 23rd – 29th October, 2017, throughout the Lachlan Fold Belt of regional New South Wales, Australia.
ACTER 2016 field symposium in Xi’an, China
The 2016 ACTER annual field symposium, focusing on orogenesis during supercontinent cycles, was successfully held in Xi'an with a field excursion across the Qinling orogenic belt.
CCFS Short Course on Snowball Earth by Professor Paul Hoffman
A CCFS-sponsored short course on the global climatic phenomenon known as Snowball Earth was held at Curtin University on 15 July, 2016. The seminars were recorded and are available to view online.
Co Director – Professor Zheng-Xiang Li (Australia)
Email: z.li@curtin.edu.au
Phone: +61 8 9266 2453
Co Director – Professor Rixiang Zhu (China)
Email: rxzhu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Phone: +86 10 8299 8201
Administrative Assistant – Dr Weihua Yao (Australia)
Email: weihua.yao@curtin.edu.au
Phone: +61 8 9266 5155
Administrative Assistant – Mr. Peng Ye (China)
Email: yp@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Phone: +86 10 8299 8240
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