View a full list of our partner institutions for Australia and China.
Key partner institutions (Australia)

The Institute for Geoscience Research (TIGeR)
Curtin University
Contact: Prof. Zheng-Xiang Li

University of Sydney
Contact: Prof. Dietmar Müller

Centre for Exploration Targeting (CET)
University of Western Australia
Contact: Assoc. Prof. Marco Fiorentini

Tibet Group
School of Geography Planning and Environmental Management
University of Queensland
Contact: Prof. Jonathan Aitchison

ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continent (GEMOC)
Macquarie University
Contact: Prof. Suzanne O’Reilly

SRK Australia
Resource Industry Services
Contact: Dr Matthew Greentree
Key partner institutions (China)

Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Contact: Prof. Rixiang Zhu

Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry (GIG)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Contact: Prof. Yigang Xu

School of Earth & Space Sciences
Peking University
Contact: Prof. Lifei Zhang

School of Earth Sciences
Zhejiang University
Contact: Prof. Hanlin Chen

Institute of Geology
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
Contact: Prof. Zengqian Hou

College of Marine Geosciences
Ocean University of China
Contacts: Prof. Xiaodian Jiang, Prof. Sanzhong Li

Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED)
Contact: Prof. Chaoliang Fang

Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation
Contact: Prof. Xiaobao Ren